Project xx1
Viale Prospero Colonna, 101
00149 Roma
P.I. 15203931009
C.F. 97938120587
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Project xx1, since 2017, develops international cooperations for projects based on creativity, education, training, and youth exchange. It is both a partner and a coordinator of projects co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme and other international funds. It sends participants, organizes courses and group experiences.
DIVE IN! - Immersive Learning for inclusive Youth Work
Project xx1 proposes an international Training Course on creative practices, techniques and strategies to support the professional development of youth workers’, increasing their competences in facilitating learning, designing programmes, collaborating in teams, displaying intercultural sensitivity with the further aim of improving the inclusiveness of their organisations. The project will gather and connect a diverse group of youth workers who will have the opportunity to enhance the quality of their work with innovative, creative and inclusive practices through Immersive theater and Experiential learning to create engaging creative scenarios (indoor and outdoor) in non-formal and informal learning contexts.
The methods will be based on experiential learning and creativity and they will include:
Experimental narration and storytelling
Interactive Theatre
Gamification techniques
Experiential learning
Indoors and outdoors site-specific creativity
Rome, September 23-29, 2024
UNIQUE - Fostering inclusion through Creativity and Youth Work
The cultural association Project xx1 (IT) in collaboration with the Fundació Champagnat (ES) and Teatro Metaphora (PT), developes a cooperation project KA 210-YOU with the aim of fostering inclusion and empower young workers and young people through innovative methods based on creativity. Specifically, the collaboration is based on the development on the methodology of “Talking objects” - interactive artworks based on true stories of marginalisation and diversity.
The project implements several correlated activities involving the direct participation of a team of 12 youth workers internationally and more than 40 youngsters locally:
3 Training Courses based respectively on storytelling, installations, and interactive art pieces, hosted in 3 different countries: Italy, Spain, and Portugal.
3 Transnational meetings to develop the methodology and to document the whole process.
3 parallel local workshops and dissemination, involving local youngsters and the local communities.
The expected results are: exchange of experiences between the partners and the enrichment of youth work based on creativity; strengthening of the professional skills of all participating youth workers to elevate the quality of youth work internationally; Involvement and enhancement of the skills of local youngsters, including people with fewer opportunities; create a documentation for the new method of “Talking objects”, along with a showcase of its possibilities in the form of an interactive exposition.
Immersive education is a methodology that fosters learning based on discovery, initiative, collaboration and creativity.
In collaboration with the school "Largo Dino Buzzati" in Rome, the International Network for Culture and Arts - INCA Catalunya in Barcelona, and the Institute Laia L'arquera in Matarò, Project xx1 has developed an Erasmus+ project: a small-scale partnership in the field of school education.
The project "Immersive Education - An innovative methodology to foster inclusion and participation" focused on experimenting and disseminating Immersive Education to develop competences. Curiosity, creativity and emotional involvement engage students in a learning process based on direct experience and autonomy.
The project implemented a series of activities during 2023 and 2024: online meetings, international mobilities, local actions, and e-Twinning exchanges.
The project introduced Immersive Education in Spain, expanding the educational offerings of the Laia L'Arquera Institute and adapting the method to the Spanish context. The active participation of students and teachers fostered intercultural and educational exchange, typical of Erasmus+ initiatives.
ACTEY - Art, Creativity and Technology for European Youngsters
ACTEY was a residential and intercultural Youth Exchange in Capranica Scalo and Rome (Italy) where 35 youngsters from Bulgaria, Greece, Portugal, Italy and Poland investigated together on inclusion and diversity through creativity and arts. After local research they developed during the preparation phase, they focused on: LGBTQ+, Mental Health, Poverty, Immigration and Disabilities. Divided in 7 working groups, all these topics were deepened with different artistic tools such as live performances, theatre, music and interactive audio guides. You can see the amazing outcomes by clicking on the following link.
ACTEY - Multimedia Dossier.pdf
Therefore, the 35 participants were immersed in a learning process developing different Key Competences such as:
-Multilingual competence
-Personal, social and learning to learn competence
-Citizenship competence
-Entrepreneurship competence
-Cultural awareness and expression
-Digital competence
GATFY - Green And Tech For Youth
Magliano Sabina (RI), June 7-14, 2022
"GATFY" was a Youth Exchange that involved 35 participants in a stimulating
and creative context to reflect on fundamental issues such as the environment and youth participation through digital tools. The participants
learned to develop creative and innovative solutions to promote the concept of cooperation and collective decision-making, developing a
collective sense of responsibility towards the environment.
Have of what they created!
in collaboration with
EMOTIC - European Multidisciplinary Organisation for Training and International Consulting (Austria)
Aktive Kosmos (Spain)
VsI "uMunthu" (Lithuania)
Regionalne Centrum Wolontariatu (Poland)
ecOstello Magliano Sabina, RI (Italy)
TEK - Training, Exchange, Knowledge
TEK was a year-long project coordinated by Jumbo (AT), in collaboration with Inca Catalunya (ES) and Project xx1 (IT): an artistic project at local and European levels, involving different communities. TEK aimed to develop a long term training for performers and scenographers between Italy, Spain and Austria. The project culminated with a performance showcased in Barcelona and Rome. The concept of a Dinner-Banquet, metaphor for power plays, was the main inspiration of the work the participants developed.
The objectives were as follows:
• Provide participants with a framework of practices using the excuse of a theatre production to make a professional experience in a European context.
• Develop a performance in Barcelona and Rome between August and September 2021.
• Develop participants’ ability to create performance using immersive theatre
• Support participants in the creation of live performance
• Create collaborative events at local level within a European project